Solution to pharmaceutical & Biotech Industries
Our teams of accomplished scientists have extensive expertise in medicinal chemistry, combinatorial chemistry, synthetic chemistry, natural products, analytical chemistry and process research. They include Ph.D.s with global post doctoral and industrial experience. Experienced M.Sc’s who are versatile enough to synthesize compounds with established chemistry, as well as develop novel synthetic routes.
Founded Company
Qualified Scientists
Fully Equipped Facility
our History
Company Milestones
Company Establishment
Established at TBI, BITS campus Hyderabad with a small but dedicated team of 5 employees, 3 fume hoods, and a focus on Medchem services.

Process R&D Division
Expanded our expertise by launching the Process R&D division, growing our team to 10 innovative minds.

Opened an 8000 SFT
Opened an 8000 SFT state-of-the-art facility, equipped with 10 fume hoods and staffed by 30 brilliant scientists.

Pilot Plant
Achieved a significant milestone with the inauguration of our pilot plant, featuring 100 L and 200 L capacities.

Strengthened Capabilities
Strengthened our capabilities by acquiring a plant with an impressive 30 KL capacity.

In-house QC Department
Further advanced our operations by establishing an in-house QC department equipped with cutting-edge analytical tools, and increased our workforce to 50 talented employees.

We Become Leading Company